Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Dear all chairmen,
The following are the instructions given by our kind sponsor, Sports Right, to follow to order the class tee shirts.

  1. Please download the Order Form. After downloading it, please fill in the form accordingly and email it to sportsright21@yahoo.com.sg. Also, please print it out to bring along with you on the day of order as you may need it.

  2. Please send all of your FINALISED designs to sportsright21@yahoo.com.sg, clearly stating your class and the Inter-Class Class Tee Shirt Design Competition. Alternatively, you may send your finalised designs alongside with your order forms. Similarly, please print it out to bring along with you on the day of order as you may need it. All finalised designs are subjected to alteration by Mr Kang from Sports Right to compliment printing procedures.

  3. A deposit of 50% of the payment is required on the date of order. An estimated price of $15 per shirts is given but do bring extra in cases of alteration and ill-estimation. A suggested form of payment would be to fork out the money on your own first and then collecting subsequent corresponding amounts from your classmates.
  4. After comfirmation with your classmates, please download the Order List and fill it up accordingly. You only need to fill in your class and quantity of shirts ordered and send it back to classtshirtdesigncmc@gmail.com. The compilation work will be completed by us.

  5. Here are the dates of order :
Sec 1 - 10 June 2010, Thursday
Sec 2 - 11 June 2010, Friday
Sec 3 - 14 June 2010, Monday
Sec 4 - 15 June 2010, Tuesday

Note: Please inform any of the Excos through SMS, Call or tags on the blog if you are unable to turn up on the arranged date and include the date whereby you would be able to make it. Only one of the chairman is needed on the date of order.

The Order List is to sent in to the given email above latest by Tomorrow night, 9th June 2010.



CMC EXCO '09 posted at/ 11:59 AM


Catholic High School
Student Leaders' Board
Established in 2005

Teacher Advisor

Ms Alana Khoo

2010 Executive Committee

President: Alex Foo

Vice President: Shaw Wen Xuan

Vice President: Timothy See

Secretary: Lim Zhen Qian

Graduating Executive Committee

President: Kong Teck Lee
Vice President: Theodore Tan
Vice President: Aden Ang
Secretary: Lee Xuan Yu
Projects Manager: Lim Chiu Yang

Important Notes


Homecoming 2010

Please check for updates on this blog regularly.

All Class Chaimen are to update class diary diligently every day.

All Class Chairmen are to wear their tie at all time of the day as long as they are in the school premises.



CMC Inter-Class T-shirt Competition 2008
CMC Photo Gallery
Catholic High


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Blog Creator: Martin Goh (EXCO '06)
Current version by CMC EXCO '10

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